How to Remove Wine Stains From Carpet

Maintaining the beauty of your home is a source of pride, but spills are an inevitable part of hosting guests. Fear not, as the seasoned cleaning experts at Lotus Cleaning have shared their wisdom on effectively removing red wine stains from your cherished carpet. Let's delve deeper into the art of stain removal, ensuring your home stays as inviting as ever.

Remove Wine Stains with Club Soda

Club soda, a timeless elixir for spills, proves its worth when it comes to red wine stains on carpets. The effervescence works wonders, but the key is in the technique:

  • Blot First: Begin by blotting the stain with a clean, dry cloth, absorbing as much wine as possible.
  • Club Soda Application: Pour club soda directly onto the stain.
  • Repeat Blotting: With a clean cloth, blot the stain again.
  • More Club Soda: Apply additional club soda and continue blotting until the stain disappears.

Remove Wine Stains Dish Soap and White Vinegar Duo

In the absence of club soda, a dynamic duo of dish soap and white vinegar can come to your rescue. This alternative solution is both effective and readily available:

  • Initial Blotting: Thoroughly blot the stain to remove excess wine.
  • Prepare the Cleaning Solution: Create a mixture of a tablespoon each of hand dishwashing soap and white vinegar with two cups of warm water.
  • Gentle Application: Use a white cloth to apply the cleaning solution to the stain, blotting frequently until the wine stain vanishes.

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Last Resort

When all else fails, hydrogen peroxide can be your last resort, though with caution due to potential carpet discoloration. Navigate the process carefully:

  • Initial Blotting: Begin by blotting the stain with a clean, dry cloth.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide Solution: Mix two parts hydrogen peroxide with one part dishwashing soap and test it on a discreet area of your carpet.
  • Safe Application: If there's no discoloration, apply the solution to the red wine stain.
  • Repeat Blotting: Blot the stain repeatedly until it disappears.

Professional Home Cleaning Services

Embracing the idea that time is a precious commodity, Lotus Cleaning extends professional home cleaning services. Tailored to your needs, schedule, and budget, these services cover everything from red wine stains to comprehensive home . Now, you can focus on perfecting your next gathering, leaving the cleaning worries to the experts.


Lotus Cleaning is a Professional Carpet Cleaner in Melbourne provides same-day cleaning services. Call on 0425 029 990 for an instant quote.

Proactive Stain Prevention Tips

Prevention is often the best cure. Consider these proactive tips to minimize the risk of red wine spills:

  • Use Coasters: Encourage guests to use coasters to avoid direct contact between glasses and your carpet.
  • Designate Eating Areas: Establish clear eating areas to concentrate potential spills in specific zones, making cleanup more manageable.
  • Quick Response: Act swiftly if a spill occurs, reducing the chances of the wine penetrating the carpet fibers.


Hosting gatherings should be a joyous occasion, even when spills happen. Armed with these effective methods, recommended products, and proactive tips, you can confidently navigate red wine stains on your carpet, ensuring that your home remains a welcoming haven for every celebration.



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